Friday, January 27, 2012

Question of the Day

what are we to make of the influx of sabermetric basketball analysis (moneyball for hoops) ? is it valuable information ? can it have the same impact that it has had in baseball ?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Still Searching for Benny Anders

kicking back, drinking a whiskey sour and thinking about different ways that the Knicks can trade Carmelo Anthony that would meet with the satisfaction of their starstruck owner. Random thoughts, I know I'm in the minority here but why do we basketball fans have to suffer the indignity of having Charles Barkley as a studio host/NBA spokesperson ? It wouldn't bother me so much that he's a complete blowhard but the fact that he seems to put so little effort and study into the players/teams in the league is utterly disrespectful. Think of the forum that he's given, not to mention the salary, and he makes so little effort to offer any concise and cognitive analysis of the current NBA. Just bluster, hyperbole and shitty jokes. Don't we basketball fans deserve better ???

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Post

Where in the world is Benny Anders ? Being a lifelong basketball fan and self appointed expert about all things to do with the great game of hoops I figured I would google the great Benny Anders and see whatever happened to one of my favorite, if only for a brief moment, players. After listing his brief set of accomplishments the wiki page said and I quote "current whereabouts unknown" or was it "whereabouts currently unknown" ? How could that be, is he alive, dead, living off the grid ? He supposedly played professionally in Europe and the Phillipines so there is some record of him after college. Now no one knows where he is ? Are you gonna tell me that Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler have no knowledge of the whereabouts of their ex college teammate ? This has me perplexed, I think I'm gonna be tempted to find the whereabouts of Michael Graham next, in the meantime if any of you out there know where Mr. Anders is or if Benny himself comes across this then please let me know so I can move on with my life.